About us


Janowice Wielkie it's a town at the feet of the picturesque mountains "Rudawy Janowickie" which is a range of "Karkonosze Mountains". 15 km from "Jelenia Gora" major town (capital) in the region.

The very first written information about "Janowice Wielkie" are dated back to 1367. That makes it one of the oldest hamlets (town now) in the whole region of "Karkonosze Mountains". In "Janowice Wielkie" there is located Social Home, called (DPS Janowice Wielkie). The DPS Social Home occupies a listed house that was build in 1608-1609 by Daniel von Schaffgotsch and comprises few buildingsvbeutifully restored and refurbished.

Between the years 1765 and 1945 the House and 10 hectares of land (garden with mature trees) belonged to the Stolberg Graf von Wernigerode family.

Since 1952 the House has been converted to the Social Home for people with mental disability. Currently 91 residents lives in the Home and they are provided with:

  •  full board,
  •  medical support,
  •  rehabilitation exercises,
  •  therapy,
  •  real world experience program,
  •  gym,
  •  computing room and sessions.


The garden is all fenced and gated, and its size is good for walking, barbecueing, having bonefire nights and also for sleighing, which is very popular winter time. Location of the Home also enables woods and mountains explotation and expedition.

At the moment we have 3 vehicles (minibus) for the use by our residents, all minibuses are chauffeur driven.

We orginize cultural, recreational and sport events. That makes us atractive to people seeking help and also very proud being able provid outstanding service which puts us in front (leading) line among similar Homes.

We have very frendly, well trained personel understanding other people needs. Our residents have found here place which can be called HOME. Family members visiting our residents can have the opportunity to stay over night in guest rooms, subject to prior arrangaments.

Everyone from Poland or from abroad, who would like to visit our HOME or perhaps even help to achieve even a higher standards is cordially welcome and invited.

Donations to the residents of our house you can deposit account number
89 1020 5226 0000 6602 0681 5148 

Manager of Care Home
in Janowice Wielkie
Halina Rudnik





  Projekty i programy dofinansowane z Funduszy Europejskich


Projekty i programy dofinansowane z Funduszy Europejskich

Logotypy projektów dofinansowanych z funduszy UE





Informacje prawne

Ochrona danych - RODO  |  Deklaracja dostępności  |  Polityka Prywatności

Przydatne linki

Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej BIP  |  Powiat Karkonoski  |  Powiatowe Centrum Pomocy Rodzinie  |  Urząd Gminy Janowice Wielkie  |  KSON |  PFRON


Dom Pomocy Społecznej, ul. Chłopska 1, 58-520 Janowice Wielkie, Telefon i Fax 75/75-15-212, sekretariat@dpsjanowicewielkie.pl
Elektroniczna Skrzynka Podawcza ePUAP: /dpsjw/SkrytkaESP




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© Dom Pomocy Społecznej Janowice Wielkie 2024